

Role of nature markets

Although the benefits that nature provides are fundamental to human well-being and a healthy planet, the true value of the various goods and services nature provides, and our dependencies on them, are not reflected in conventional market prices. As a result, there is substantial underinvestment in natural capital, and biodiversity and ecosystem services are in serious decline. 

Despite on-going efforts, regulation, public funding, and philanthropy alone are proving insufficient to halt and reverse nature’s decline. Nature markets are emerging as part of the response. Driven by mandatory and voluntary targets to improve the environment, high-integrity nature markets have the potential to increase the funding available for activities that restore and enhance nature. 

The Task Force on Nature Related Financial Disclosures has highlighted the importance of nature for business and finance, and the opportunity to undertake ‘activities that support the protection, regeneration or restoration of habitats and ecosystems, including areas both within and outside the organisation’s direct control’. Participation in nature markets is one way to manage nature risk. 

Nature markets work by allocating resources to high priority nature-based activities, through payments for independently verified environmental outcomes and/or credits for the biodiversity and ecosystem services generated by these activities. 

UK Nature Markets Dialogue

Nature Markets have a key role to play in the UK to enable investment in nature-based solutions.  The UK Nature Markets Dialogue is being established to address the persistent barriers and gaps to the development of high-integrity environmental markets in the UK.

Background documents

In October 2023, the Broadway Initiative released the first State of UK Nature Markets Report, showing that interest in UK nature markets is still high, but more rapid progress is needed to ensure impact and integrity,

State of UK Nature Markets 2023 report cover

The Financing Nature Recovery UK initiative brought together a coalition of organisations with the aim of putting nature onto a sustainable financial path.  The Recommendations and Roadmap Report, released in June 2022, was developed with input from over 300 experts from the finance, business, farming and environment sectors. The report sets out how to make the UK an attractive market for nature-based investment to help drive nature recovery. 

Financing Nature Recovery UK
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